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the sibs (;

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kula-Kilo :)

بِـــــــــــــسمِ للهِ الرَّ حْمنِ الرَّ حِيم

oh , kula-kilo sejenis nama bagi orang yang terlalu happy-go-lucky :D Saya yang bagi nama tu .
ehehe , saya sudahpun bertukar kepada seorang yang ceria , plus abit bengong . As usual , Spm is coming around the corner , so , i need to be more happiness so that i couldn't count the days more . hahaha '
Can wait to fly from Malaysia , yeehaaa ! Many things i have to explore , etc : study of skills , and alls .
and afterthat , i will try my best to make my life become more simple and coolest :) yeah .